Bass strings Elixir Nanoweb 45-105 4-string



Bass strings, Elixir Nanoweb set 14677 45-105 for 4-string bass.

These are the longest-lasting bass strings you can buy. Robert has a set on one of his basses for over two years and they still sound good, whereas after about a month or six weeks with regular bass strings he’s reaching for a fresh set.

These actually are a lot cheaper to use in the long run.

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3 in stock


Bass strings, Elixir Nanoweb set 14677 45-105 for 4-string bass.

These are the longest-lasting bass strings you can buy. Robert has a set on one of his basses for over two years and they still sound good, whereas after about a month or six weeks with regular bass strings he’s reaching for a fresh set.

These actually are a lot cheaper to use in the long run.

Check our Bass guitars